We just released WPHD 1.2.3, if you purchased the plugin less than a year ago you should be able to download it using automatic updates (by going to wp-admin / Dashboard / Updates panel and clicking “Check Again”).
This release includes some bug fixes, few minor improvments and two main features:
Notes are a way for team members to communicate, the note can be added from wp-admin / Helpdesk panel while viewing a thread, the note is displayed on a timeline similarly as other messages, but they are visible only to Agents who are viewing the thread from wp-admin.
This is yet another feature for Administrators and Agents. It allows to merge few tickets into one, in order to use it just go to wp-admin / Helpdesk panel, on the list select few checkboxes, next in the “Bulk actions” dropdown select “Merge” and click “Apply”.
Confirmation window informing you which threads will be merged and that this operation cannot be reversed will appear, if you will confirm tickets will be merged.
Note the merging operation cannot be reversed so use it with caution.
That’s all for this update, in April we are planning another one with even more great features that will improve your workflow and will make it easier to manage tickets.