
Tickets listing

The Tickets listing page (WP Admin -> WPHelpDesk -> Tickets) is the main panel that you will be using on a day to day basis. It has a number of predefined views:

  • All, which contains all tickets;
  • Open, which contains tickets that their status is set to Open;
  • My tickets, which contains tickets that are assigned to the currently logged-in agent;
  • Closed, which contains tickets with a status of Closed;
  • Unassigned, which contains tickets that are not assigned to any agent;
  • and Trashed, which contains tickets that have been deleted — there, administrators will get the option to permanently delete them.

The table of tickets will display a few columns by default (i.e. Title, From, Sent, Assigned To) but can be customised to show more such as the content of custom fields, etc. by expanding the Screen Options section at the top right of the page and selecting the fields you prefer.

In each view, there are a couple of extra filtering options, such as filter by month based on the last activity on the ticket, or utilising the advanced search at the top right that provides options to search in specific fields such as the title of the ticket or even within custom fields.

Clicking on any ticket in the listing will get you to its details page.